Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Want You To Hit Me As Hard As You Can

Ok , I have had this song stuck in my head for a good week now. So much so that I sat down and learned it myself and have played nothing else on my guitar since! Chad Lehr was the vocalist of the group My Hidden Track (mentioned in the Thanksgiving Blog) before they broke up. Following the break up of MHT, Chad set out on forming a group called This Is Me which featurted members from many previous groups around the Indianapolis area. A "dream team" made up with some of Indianapolis' favorite musicians, if you will. This video is an acoustic performance of the first song that Chad wrote for the group early in the developing stages. It is right on spot with his style of meaningful lyrics that are straight from his heart. I know I say this a lot, but with this video you can really see that the words mean something to him. It isn't just a performance. That is one of my favorite things about Chad's music, in both MHT and This Is Me. I can really connect with his lyrics too, which makes their stuff more powerful and meaningful to me personally.  So here it is! Let me know what you think! :)



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